Appointments & Admin Requests

Routine appointments

Consultations are by appointment only and can be requested by completing an online medical request form following the link below.  Should you wish to attend the surgery to request an appointment, please note we can only accommodate this after 9am each day.

Please be aware that our clinicians can only deal with one problem at each appointment; if you have more than one thing you wish to discuss with the clinician, please request a double appointment.

If you need to have an appointment with your GP following a hospital appointment please be aware that it is taking at least 3 weeks for letters to arrive at the surgery so please check to see if your GP has received a letter.  To request a follow up appointment please complete an online medical request form.



Urgent Appointments

For urgent and acute problems that cannot wait for a routine review, our Doctors and Clinical Practitioners will have a designated amount of capacity to deal with these on the day.  Your initial request will be triaged by the Duty Doctor who will make an assessment of your request based on clinical need and urgency.  The clinical triage may result in a face to face or telephone appointment, a prescription being issued or navigation to other appropriate medical management.  Our telephone lines are open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

Cancelling your appointment

It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient.

If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend and do not attend a number of appointments, you will be sent a DNA warning letter.  Patients who persistently do not attend pre-booked appointments maybe removed from the practice registered patient list.

You can also cancel your appointment via SystmOnline or the NHS App.

Online Consultation : SystmConnect Patient Triage

If your enquiry or request for an appointment is routine, we would encourage you to use our SystmConnect Patient Triage online form.  Your request will be reviewed within 3 working days.

Please do not use this method of communication for acute or urgent medical requests.

Extended Access

The practice is able to offer appointments on three evenings each month (6:30pm-8pm) and on one Saturday a month (9:00am to 5pm).

Our clinicians work on a rota basis for this service and appointments can be available with a GP, a Nurse Practitioner, a Mental Health Practitioner, a Practice Nurse or a Health Care Assistant.

These appointments are very useful for our patients who work full-time in the week and are only available evenings or weekends.  Please speak to Reception for details of these clinics.


Home Visits


Our aim is to ensure all our patients receive appropriate care with our limited resources from the right person with the right skills at the right time.

We have defined a housebound person as an individual who is unable to leave their home environment due to a physical or psychological illness without significant assistance.  This may be a temporary measure and when your health or mobility improves the Care-Coordinator will refer you back to the care of the Practice Nurse or a more appropriate service, however this will be discussed with you before any decision is made.

Any individual is not housebound if they are able to leave their home, with some assistance (either with friends/family or walking aids) to visit, for example, neighbours, hairdresser, supermarket, garden centre.

Our housebound patients will be individually assessed to determine their eligibility for housebound status and home visits.  Mobile patients will, wherever possible, be asked to attend the surgery for their care in the future.


If you or someone you care for is housebound and require a home visit please ensure you telephone the surgery before 10am to make this request; you will be required to provide as much information as possible.  This will assist us in planning and prioritising the home visits each day.  Visits usually take place after morning surgery has finished.